Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Only in Kenya"

Be prepared for updates! September has been a crazy month with lots of traveling and adventures to share. I will be updating these next couple days with posts from my project trip to Nakuru, Kenya. My team and I were in Nakuru from September 5th through September 13th on our project trip working with a mission organization called Miracle House. Here are some snapshots of the city/team/hotel, etc.

Our welcome party into Kenya! A very typical surrounding of people selling produce and asking if we wanted to exchange money.

A view of a street in Nakuru. We didn't take a lot of photos of the city, but here's one to give you an idea of what it was like.

A quick shot out of the van window at the craft stands!

Our hotel! It was a very nice hotel accommodations which was its own little paradise within it's walls. Here is a view of the street right outdoors, a little different.
And last is our team photo while we were on safari our last day!
(LTR) Jill, Elisa, Jason, me, Travis, Casey, Roger, Brad
More to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Everything looks like it's going well. I can tell this has already been a life-changing experience. Sending my love from Richmond to that corner of the world...keep up the awesome work!

    Love, Meredith
